Association for Education Fairness

AAPI Panel discussion (05/22/2018)

Eva Guo and Alex Wu were invited by AACE president Yukong Zhao to attend the Panel discussion ‘Are U.S. Colleges and Universities Barring Asian Applicants Based on their Race?’ at the National Press Club, organized by the Center of Equal Opportunity and the Federalist Society

May 22, the Regulatory Transparency Project and the Center for Equal Opportunity co-sponsored a discussion on the admissions practices at elite colleges as they affect Asian American applicants. Linda Chavez and her CEO colleagues presented and released a new study and report entitled "'Too Many Asian Americans?' Affirmative Discrimination in Elite College Admissions." The CEO study illustrates that while Caltech admissions decisions are race-blind, its elite sister institutions Harvard University and MIT have established "ceilings"—or a limit—on Asian American acceptances. In addition to addressing the direct ramifications of their study’s findings, event panelists also discussed the unintended consequences of these admissions practices, whether current regulations are adequate to address issues of racial discrimination in college admissions, and what additional role government or civil society may play in redressing racially discriminatory admissions practices.


Althea Nagai, Research Fellow, Center for Equal Opportunity

Brenda Shum, Director, Educational Opportunities Project, Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law

Yukong Zhao, President, Asian American Coalition for Education

Terry Eastland, Senior Fellow, Center for Equal Opportunity

Stuart Taylor, Contributing Editor, National Journal

[Moderator] Linda Chavez, Chairman, Center for Equal Opportunity




5月22日,Eva Guo与蒙郡教育公平促进会(Association for Education Fairness) 同仁Alex Wu以及亚裔教育联盟(AACE)主席赵宇空一起参加了在华盛顿D.C.国家新闻俱乐部举行的研讨会,“美国名校歧视亚裔吗?” 当天的会议视频已上传youtube: https://fedsoc.org/events/RTP_CEO-NPCEvent?from=groupmessage&isappinstalled=0

赵宇空和其他几位专家在讨论会上为亚裔学生近些年来所遭遇的大学入学不公进行了深刻的分析并出版了报告题为:”Too Many Asians?” Affirmative Discrimination in Elite College Admissions。专家们为亚裔孩子遭遇不公表达了不满和不平,以及提出了以merit-based instead of color-based 入学考核标准的建设性意见和建议。

Eva和Alex 原本都准备了要问的问题,包括从全国上下的系统性歧视乃至地方蒙郡公校资优班的录取不公,可是很遗憾,由于时间关系,我们没有被点到名,没能争取到发言的机会。但会后我们都有向相关专家咨询和寻求帮助。下面和图九是我们原本打算问的问题。

Eva’s Questions:

About 55 years ago, Martin Luther King Jr. said:

I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.

Martin Luther King Jr. expressed one of the most important America’s bedrock values: equality. However, nowadays unfortunately, Asian American children have been discriminated against in many different ways, not only in college/university admission but even in local school GT/Magnet Program admission.

1. With so much evidence of discrimination, why did NOT the Obama Administration do anything to help Asian American children?

2. Then, what the Trump Administration can do to help Asian American children?

3. As an Asian American mom of two myself, I am deeply concerned about my children’s future, so my next question is: How to eliminate such discrimination?